Beowulf Syncing Utility

Download BSU

User Guide

If you are using BSU for the first time, start with the Add Preset section.

  1. Add Preset
  2. Add Storage
  3. Make Adjustments

Add Preset

Add a new Preset by clicking the Plus button on the Presets page.

Add Preset Button

Choose a sync url from the dropdown, or fill in your own.

Preset Url Dropdown
Sync Urls for BSO
  • Beowulf
    Default if you DO own the Western Sahara DLC
  • Beowulf - WS Compat
    Default if you DO NOT own the Western Sahara DLC
  • Beowulf 'NAAAAAM
    Vietnam Event

You can change the name of the preset if you like.

Click Ok to continue to the storage selection dialog.

If you used the old BSU.Prototype, chances are that all mods show green, and you can press Ok and be done with the setup. You can skip the rest of this guide.

You can now select a download location from the dropdown. If there are none, you will have to create one first using the Plus button.

Storage Selection Add

Refer to the next section for the details of the Add Storage dialog

Once you have added a storage, the mods should be ready to download. Click Ok to proceed.

If you are not happy with the setup, or want to customise things, click Cancel and proceed to the Make Adjustments Section.

Add Storage

You can open a storage / download location either from the Storages page in BSU or the Select Download Location dialog when you first add a preset.

Navigate Storages Storages Add From Storages Storage Selection Add From Download Selection

In the Add Storage dialog, use the 3 dots to select a path. The name will default to the folder name, but you can change it to your liking. Press Ok once you are happy with the path and name.

Storage Path Select

Make Adjustments

There are some situation in which you might want to adjust how BSU handles each mod of a preset:

Click on a preset to get to the detailed Preset page.

Click Preset

Here you will see a list of all the mods. You can click on a mod to see more detailed information.

Click Mod

Each mod has a selection on the right side. You can click on the selection or the little dropdown icon to change it.

Click Selection

The options are ordered by storage location. There are 3 type of options:

Unless the preset shows a green Ready, click the blue cloud icon to update your mods.